
If you would like to support our foundation and our work with a financial contribution, please send your donations to:

Stärnechind , 3706 Leissigen
Postal account 60-179037-6
IBAN CH27 0900 0000 6017 9037 6

PostFinance AG
Mingerstrasse 20
3030 Bern

Since 2015, we are freed from the tax this means that you can deduct all of your donations from the taxes.

Dear Parents

If you have received clothing for the last journey of your little angel and you would like to donate in remembrance of your most precious angel, please add the subject "THANK YOU" with the name and date of birth of your angel in the payment. This allows us to thank you on an individual basis, just as it is appropriate to commemorate your little angel.

Thank you very much,

Your association Stärnechind

safety booklet: My star child

From now on, our free accompanying brochure can be ordered via the contact form. The associated website provides many important and detailed explanations on the keywords in the brochure.

Swiss contact platform

This contact platform gives you the possiblity to get into contact with other people in the same situation.

Facebook: Stärnechind/Sternenkind Schweiz

Die Facebookgruppe  Stärnechind/Sternenkind Schweiz ist für alle betroffenen Eltern offen.


Stärnechind , 3706 Leissigen
Postal account 60-179037-6
IBAN CH27 0900 0000 6017 9037 6